Vision Therapy

Evidence based medicine* is used to improve visual skills and abilities; improve visual comfort, ease, and efficiency; and change visual processing or interpretation of visual information.

A vision therapy program consists of supervised in-office and at home reinforcement with the use of exercises, lenses (“training glasses”), prisms, filters, patches, electronic targets, or balance boards.

*Hsieh Y-C, Liao W-L, Tsai Y-Y, Lin H-J. Efficacy of vision therapy for unilateral refractive amblyopia in children aged 7-10 years. BMC Ophthalmology 2022;22(1):44. doi:10.1186/s12886-022-02246-9

*Mayo Clinic (2008): ‘Best Treatment Determined for Childhood Eye Problem’ : Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency with Vision Therapy

*Mitchell Scheiman, OD; Susan Cotter, OD, MS; G. Lynn Mitchell, MAS; Marjean Kulp, OD, MS; Michael Rouse, OD, MEd; Richard Hertle, MD; and Maryann Redford, DDS, MPH. ‘Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) Study Group. A randomized clinical trial of treatments for convergence insufficiency in children. Archives of Ophthalmology 2005’; 123:14-24